Hi, I’m Steve (aka Infinite Loop #8). I’m based in Newcastle, UK, and skate with Tyne & Fear.

I started playing roller derby in Janurary 2022, after picking up skating again during the COVID lockdown. I wanted a more social form of skating, and derby seemed to be where all the skaters were!

I’ve been lucky enough to play in loads of exciting games, and most recently made it on to the Team England squad (which was a massive surprise). I’ve also started getting in to coaching a bit, although I’m still not sure what I’m doing.

Over this time, I’ve picked up bits and pieces of advice which were completely not obvious to me as a beginner. So I thought I’d start this blog to share what I’ve learnt, and hopefully help some newer skaters with their progress.

This will be focussed on jamming mostly, since that’s what I do mostly. I don’t claim to be an expert, this is all just my opinion and things that help me - your mileage may vary!

I hope that you might find something of use here - if nothing else it helps me cement my knowledge by writing it down.
